NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Occupational Therapist at OT4LIFE (Boca Raton, Florida)
DATE: August 22, 2018
CLIENT BACKGROUND: C.F. is a 75-year-old male and Vietnam War veteran
PRESENTING PROBLEM: Prior to trialing the Dreampad, C.F. had experienced decades of getting only 2-3 non-continuous hours of sleep per night. In the past 4-plus decades, this has been primarily due to PTSD and other neurological ramifications of exposure to Agent Orange during his military service in the Vietnam War. His wife reported that he woke easily and struggled with exhaustion, anxiety, and racing thoughts. His chronic lack of sleep negatively impacted his engagement in and enjoyment of everyday life.
INTERVENTIONS USED: C.F. trialed a medium-support Dreampad recommended by an occupational therapist.
THE RESULTS: Within less than a week emailed that he was sleeping through the night. In his email to the OT, he wrote:
“I have slept more in the last four days than any other four days in 52 years. (My wife) has even had to wake me up the last two mornings for our morning walk. The first night I set the timer for 2 hours (and) slept like a baby, but when the music stopped I immediately woke up. This happened two more times that night. So I have played it all night since and have slept all night. The rest is history. I am playing moon rise. Thank you sooooooooooo much…”
After more than 6 months using the Dreampad nightly (and traveling with it whenever he leaves town), C.F. still reports that using it has made a major lasting positive impact on his life and continues to. He has more energy for the outdoor walking and hiking he enjoys, demonstrates improved affect (is happier), and exudes a calmer overall state of arousal and emotional regulation. He points to the use of his Dreampad as a therapeutic tool that has definitively changed his life for the better. He is finally getting the well-earned restful sleep we all wish for our honorable war veterans to experience. His wife is happy to see C.F. consistently resting well and feeling better overall. His friends have also noticed the changes in him and asked about them. C.F. continues to share about the difference his Dreampad has made with everyone who will listen.