Hundreds of therapists have subscribed and thousands of end users have experienced the five-day SSP listening intervention. From books to clients and therapist stories to SSP updates, thank you for the difference you have helped Dr. Porges and iLs make in the last year.
A year of experience with the SSP has resulted in:
A Patent:
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has approved the patent application for Methods and Systems For Reducing Sound Sensitivities and Improving Auditory Processing, Behavioral State Regulation and Social Engagement Behaviors. The patent will be issued in the next few months.
Two Books:
Dr. Porges has written two books in the past year that are both great complements to a practice incorporating the Safe & Sound Protocol.
The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe by Stephen W. Porges
We recommend the highly informative and readable Pocket Guide. It is written in the form of a series of conversations. Now every therapist can have Dr. Porges’ advice and interpretations of behavior. Read the review by Dr. Stan Rockwell who says, “Feeling safe is key to our being, and the polyvagal system is instrumental to that.”
Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies by Stephen W. Porges
We’re looking forward to the release of this book next month. It and the Pocket Guide can be purchased at a 25% discount and with free shipping by using the code PORGES18 on Norton’s webpage.
New Playlists:
As a benefit of subscription to the SSP, therapists will be offered to update their SSP players with updated Child and Adult playlists.
The new Child playlist has a wider selection of songs that appeal to children both young and old. It contains songs from classic and newer Disney movies as well as familiar children’s songs and popular music. The new Adult playlist contains diversity in the artists, styles and eras represented and the music is upbeat with positive messages. We will send information directly to SSP subscribers in the coming weeks.
Positive Experiences:
Following are a few quotes from people about their experience with the SSP:
- “My stomach has a bit of a smile, with eyes that blink very happy. That’s why I’m happy. I feel free.” – 6-year-old in response to how she felt after finishing the SSP
- “I’m looking forward to this school year with her new outlook, focus and mood…We have tried so many other things with minimal help – we just never got to the core of the issue – the SSP got to the core.” – Parent of a teenager with PTSD from sexual abuse
- “I feel more like a kid now. I can play.” -14-year-old girl with a trauma history
Read more testimonials, clinical responses and case studies on our website.
Therapist review:
Our success is based on your success. We cherish the SSP stories you share with iLs and Dr. Porges. Here a therapist shares her experience of incorporating the SSP into her practice.
Video responses to FAQs about the SSP from Dr. Porges:
A full list of FAQs and responses will be available to subscribers to the SSP next month. Here are just two of them:
1. How does the experience of the SSP vary as it progresses from Day 1 through Day 5?
- What kinds of changes can I expect to see in my child/client from doing the SSP and how can I best support those changes to make sure they “stick”?
Learn more about the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).