While Ella Fitzgerald sang that “the livin’ is easy” during summertime, holding on to knowledge from the school year apparently is not. On average, children lose up to 2 months of reading skills and 2.6 months worth of math skills over summer break. Summer learning loss is so pervasive that teachers typically spend the first six weeks of the next year reviewing what was forgotten during the lazy, hazy days of summer. And by the time a child finishes the sixth grade, if they have consistently experienced summer learning loss, they can be as much as two years behind their peers. Don’t let this happen to your child.
An iLs Summer Program takes advantage of the extra time available to students over the summer break when there are fewer obligations and distractions. Whether a refresher program for someone who’s done iLs before or a first-time program, doing iLs can boost performance and improve confidence.
Our research shows that iLs alone can improve math scores by a whole year on average and reading scores by up to more than two grades. And when paired with another intervention (like a math or reading program), iLs can accelerate progress even more rapidly.
Disguise learning during summer in these fun ways:
- Include physical activity in all your summer plans.
Exercise and movement have been proven to improve mood and enhance memory and learning. By swimming, playing sports and riding bikes, kids will keep up their physical fitness and keep their minds sharp.
- Pick up a book.
Studies show that reading 4-5 books over the summer outperforms gains attained from summer school. Make it fun by choosing books together and even reading aloud at a certain time during the day. Make sure a book is on the list when packing up the pool bag or picnic basket.
- Consider online learning.
Online learning programs like IXL can give kids extra practice to keep up their math, science or language arts skills in a fun way that measures their progress. Khan Academy is a great free resource with mini classes on just about any topic you can think of. Last, with older children, consider having them watch one TED talk a day. It will inspire them with new ideas and motivate them to try new things.
- Have an iLs summer!
Each of the products in our holistic family of therapies can support your child over the summer. The Dreampad can improve their sleep – a known input to enhanced learning. The Safe and Sound Protocol – the SSP – improves emotional state and social communication. The Focus Series integrates sensory input to enhance learning and neuroplasticity. And the VoicePro facilitates better expressive language skills. Summer is a great time for an iLs boost.
Make sure to listen this mini-podcast with iLs Clinical Director, Ron Minson, MD, on summer boosters.