About Unyte Health’s Integrated Listening System (ILS)
iLs activates key areas of the brain simultaneously, trains sensory systems to work together, improves processing of sensory and cognitive information, trains our ability to focus and concentrate.
With sharper auditory and visual skills, we can read better, listen better, attend better. Improved self-regulation leads to self-confidence; self-confidence leads to social skill improvement. Feeling better about ourselves makes us happier people.
iLs is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. The activities are fun and can be customized. The music is loaded on an iPod paired with special headphones which deliver it through both air and bone conduction. Simultaneous to the auditory component, the user engages in visual, vestibular and motor exercises.
Case Studies
Teachers involved in the program reported “significant improvement” in 19 of the 20 children. The criteria for “significant improvement” include at least one of the following: being transitioned from special education to regular education, having an IEP removed or overcoming a substantial behavioral challenge.