Transforming lives since: June 2021
Front line experience: My experience is varied and includes many years in operations management for an occupational therapy clinic working with Unyte products, teaching college level stress management courses, and starting my career as a tax accountant. The common thread throughout has been my interest and ability in supporting others to find their best methods to live and work with greater ease and contentment.
Helping you thrive: I am a stress management geek and am trained in many stress management methods including trauma-informed yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices. I infuse these practices into my relationships and interactions.
Keeps me going / Warms my heart: I am amazed that we can impact our wellness and resilience by directly connecting with our nervous system through our breath and sensory input. Seeing others learn about the power of the nervous system and utilize that power to manage life’s challenges inspires me!
Words to live by / Favourite inspiring quote: Love is a force. It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh