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Scaffolding Experiences of Safety — EMDR Therapy, Polyvagal Theory and the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Nestled at the intersection of EMDR Therapy, Polyvagal Theory and the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), there are multiple points of convergence where the body becomes safe enough to engage in reprocessing and memory reconsolidation.

Join us for a conversation with Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Arielle Schwartz and Lead Author of the EMDR + SSP Combined Delivery Guidelines, Jill Hosey. Together, we’ll explore how a Polyvagal-informed perspective can impact and enhance the success of EMDR Therapy, and how the scaffolded experiences of inner safety and ease offered by the Safe and Sound Protocol can cultivate the safety and stabilization necessary for healing.

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Client laying on a couch and listening to SSP or Focus

Discover the Safe and Sound Protocol

Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the SSP is a listening therapy designed to unlock your client’s ability to think, feel, and connect better through nervous system regulation.

The SSP isn’t simply five hours of music; it’s a comprehensive approach to healing. This unique listening therapy is a journey that brings together client, therapist, and the SSP to create a safe space for brain and body integration and healing to achieve impactful, long-lasting results.

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