Sharon Cacciato spent the first 18 years of her career working with kids in foster care. Eventually, she made her way to Unyte-iLs, but, after a few years, impressed with how effective the programs were, she felt inspired to start her own practice. By early 2014 she was working exclusively with families in her own practice, using the Unyte Home Program. In 2020, Sharon returned full time to Unyte-iLs, working as a Unyte Home Program coach.
As a Home Coach, Sharon works with families, supporting them on their journey through the Home Program. She focuses on creating a unique approach for each family she works with, taking the time to consider their backgrounds, sensitivities, and what life is like at home and at school.
Most importantly, when it comes to being a coach, Sharon finds joy in being a part of a family’s journey using the home program, and most of all, being able to witness first-hand the changes and influences it can have on a family and the people around them.
We sat down to speak with Sharon, learning even more about her, how she works with families, and discovering what coaching means to her.
First, let’s talk about what brought you to Unyte-iLs?
I was looking for therapies for my oldest daughter, to help her—she had severe anxiety and tendencies towards OCD—and so I wanted to try to help her. I found several different therapies, including the [Unyte Home Program]. A person who introduced me to a different therapy actually then began working for Unyte-iLs. He knew my background and suggested I come and work with the company. So I did!
You’ve been working, in one capacity or another, as a Home Coach for ten years, why do you feel it’s important families work with a coach on this journey?
A coach can help guide you through your program so you know what to expect, what effects are typical, how long it will take to see results, and most importantly customize the program based on your needs and concerns to make your program as efficient and practical as possible.
What does home coach support look like for families working with you?
I typically start off by asking for an intake summary to be filled out as well as a quick scaled assessment form that will help me build a baseline. Then I like to do an introductory call before beginning each program where we go over how to use the program and the equipment to get the most out of it for your goals. Basically, I like to meet with the client first and learn about their needs and expectations. Each person and family is so different. Some need more information, more guidance, others like to be guided on how to get going but may not need as much support during the actual program, and so I let each client let me know and initiate on how much guidance they will need.
How do you build a unique approach for each family you work with?
I feel like the initial paperwork and the introductory call will set the foundation for getting to know each person or family and the goals and concerns they are wanting to address. That initial intake really helps me build a program and provide the best and most efficient plan to follow since each individual and brain is so different.
Why should someone sign up for the Unyte Home Program?
Our Home Program is great for daily living, and for kids with developmental, learning or behaviour issues. It’s really a given that this program will help their living situation. For individuals, the Home Program is a true journey towards healing.
Right now, the benefits of being able to do this work at home is even greater because it is one less thing you have to worry about getting out and about for. The way the world is right now, it is nice to be able to do this work from home without having to worry about driving somewhere, or making an appointment according to someone else’s schedule. It can be done in the convenience of your own home, with the guidance of a coach to help guide you in the best, most efficient way to administer it with you or your loved ones.
Tell me about a specific person who has used this program—how have you seen the program change them over time?
I am thinking of a family, whose young son was becoming too mature and too big to handle anymore and the mom and younger sibling were being hit and scratched by this child. They were desperate for something to change. After doing the Unyte Home Program, the family dynamics changed, including how the child treated the mother and the sibling, and though there were still difficult times, overall the dysregulation turned into regulation for a good majority of the time, enabling the relationships to grow and become closer.
What would you say to someone—a family or individual—who’s considering signing up for the UHP?
Please do your research. There is no therapy in the world that is the answer for every issue or person out there. The Unyte Home Program is a great tool to help many with a variety of issues and concerns. While our program can be extremely helpful for many, it requires commitment and time to do, so please do not think it is a quick fix. And, once you decide to do it try to give it your best effort to stick with it for at least the 3-4 months so you can see the value of the program.
If a client were to walk up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tips, what would you say?
1. Do your research, but then follow your intuition. 2. The healing process is a journey and not a race. 3. There is no such thing as perfection in the journey.
Okay, let’s learn a bit more about Sharon when she’s not working as a coach. What do you like to do for fun?
Travel with my family. I love making crafts with my daughters (my oldest daughter is an artist) and watching my youngest daughter play volleyball.
What is your favorite:
TV show? Anything true life, mystery or crime-related!
Food? Almost any international food … Mediterranean, Latin, Indian, etc.
Book? Anything non fiction about the brain or nutrition.
And finally, what does kindness mean to you?
The ability to understand the fact that everyone has a different background which forms their choices and decisions, and to know that their situation, no matter how similar it may be to someone else’s, they have reasons for choosing their own pathways. It is not my job to tell them how to choose, but to provide them with the information, and answer any questions they may have, then let them decide what path works best for them, and their happiness.