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Case Study

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) helps 9-year-old gain control of his emotions, leading to better focus in school and healthier peer interactions

🕑 3 minutes read
Posted September 9, 2024

The information presented in this case study was submitted by the identified provider and reviewed by the Unyte Clinical Team. Modifications to the text have been made solely for the purpose of enhancing comprehension and clarity for the reader’s benefit, and were carefully applied while ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the original submission. Unyte Health makes every effort to use updated terms and inclusive language, this case study retains the author’s original descriptions to be most sensitive to the client’s identity and preferences.

This case study was submitted by a Unyte Health Social Impact Grant recipient. The intention of this grant is to equip individual providers whose practice is primarily dedicated to serving clients who are economically under-resourced with unlimited SSP access for 12 months. We are grateful to these providers for their invaluable work towards our combined mission to create a safer world for all people. You can learn more about this grant here.

About the Provider

Name: Stephanie Smith
Disciplines/credentials: LCSW
Modalities: Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), Somatic Experiencing (SE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), sensory integration processing, play therapy, art therapy

Client Background 

Name: Frank
Age and Gender: 9-year-old boy
Program Delivered: Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Connect (1 hour); Core (3 hours)

Frank presented with anger issues, experiencing frequent outbursts of rage and explosive behaviors. He struggled with these outbursts both at home and in school. Additionally, Frank displayed limited focus and attention, leading to more difficulty at school. His emotional regulation skills made it challenging for him to socialize with his peers, often leading to limited and poor interactions with his classmates. 

Frank’s caregiver sought out help to build his focus, attention, self-regulation and socialization skills. With the help of provider Stephanie Smith, he began the SSP to work on these abilities.

Implementation of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Frank’s SSP sessions were delivered with Stephanie present. Stephanie had first suggested at-home use of the SSP, but found that it was ineffective for Frank and noticed positive improvement once they began doing it together in person. In these sessions, he listened independently while Stephanie provided co-regulating activities like play therapy to supplement the SSP.


Stephanie noticed “direct, visible improvements that were also lasting and empowering” as Frank completed the SSP. His anger became much more manageable, with outbursts no longer occurring at school. When Frank did experience anger at home, he was able to self-regulate better, leading to shorter and less intense outbursts. Additionally, Frank’s capacity for focus and attention improved significantly, and he began to foster more positive interactions with his peers. 

Frank enjoyed doing the SSP, expressing appreciation for the support and improvement he and his caregiver had seen over the course of him participating in the protocol. While there was still space for Frank to grow socially, the SSP provided him with the building blocks to be calmer and more attuned during both social interactions and his day-to-day life.


Stephanie advocates for the SSP as “a unique way to help clients slow down and support regulation.” One of Stephanie’s key takeaways was to first offer in-person listening before having clients listen at home. Building a solid foundation for the clients “adds to the positive impact” by allowing them to better regulate themselves as they progress through the SSP.

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