About the Provider
Name: Angeline Tan
Discipline/Credentials: Neurodevelopmental Therapist
Modalities: Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), Focus System, VoicePro, Reflex Integration, Interactive Metronome, Neurofeedback
Client Background
Name: Max (pseudonym)
Age and Gender: Seven-and-a-half-year-old boy
Program Delivered: Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) (SSP Core, Hours 1 through 5), Focus System (Calming, Sensory & Motor, and Attention & Concentration Programs)
Max, now seven-and-a-half years old, started with Unyte’s therapeutic programs at five-and-a-half years old, in addition to commencing occupational therapy and speech therapy at four years old. According to his provider, Max presents with the following:
- Speech and language delay
- Apraxia
- Gross and fine motor delay
- Learning and reading difficulties
- Auditory sensitivities
- Auditory processing issues
- Visual processing issues
- Dyspraxia / motor coordination / vestibular balance issues
- Hypotonia
- Attentional issues
- Anxiety
Implementation of the SSP
With Max, provider Angeline Tan followed a hybrid delivery model (in-person and remote). Max also had cranial sacral therapy at times to assist with processing and integration after finishing SSP.
Implementation of the Focus System
In addition to the SSP, the following Focus System programs were delivered:
- Calming Program
- Sensory & Motor Program
- Concentration & Attention Program
After SSP and Focus programs, Max experienced the following changes:
Improved Balance
Max was able to ride a bicycle and play with monkey bars, which were not possible previously. His balance improved remarkably: prior to this, he was unable to stand on one leg on even ground without falling over. Now, Max is able to stand on the Focus System balance board on one leg for an extended period of time without breaking a sweat.
His occupational therapist also remarked that he doesn’t look like he’s low tone anymore. His ball skills have improved, from being unable to track and kick a soccer ball at all to having no problem doing so now. His ball-toss skills are also much better.
Improved Speech and Language
Max’s CELF test scores went up significantly. He has demonstrated better and more organized verbal communication, as well as an improved ability to read non-verbal social cues, self-regulate, and express his feelings and thoughts.
Improved Reading and Writing
He had reading issues and showed signs of dyslexia, so he was enrolled in classes at the local dyslexia association. He was unable to read despite special education teachers teaching him on an individual basis. After the SSP, however, he started reading independently, and subsequent testing showed that he was reading at 82 percent of his peer group. His handwriting has also improved significantly, with the time taken to write a page of handwriting homework being halved from 30 minutes to 15.
Improved Math Skills
Max had weak math skills, which improved significantly after the Focus System Concentration & Attention program. Previously, he could only do math sums up to 10 using his fingers and anything using more than 10 fingers was not possible. He’s now able to do mental math, which has spiked up to the hundreds, and can also do multiplication.
Auditory Sensitivities Significantly Reduced, Improved Auditory Processing
Previously, Max was unable to enter noisy or busy restaurants and shopping malls without being triggered into sympathetic arousal and fight-or-flight mode. Now, Max is able to do so without any issues. Haircuts, which were not tolerable due to the sound of the razor, are now a non-issue.
He previously was not capable of singing in tune. Now, he is suddenly able to sing in tune and shows improved auditory processing.
Decreased Anxiety
Max was very fearful and experienced separation anxiety when away from his mother. Now, he’s fine with his mother being away for extended periods of time.
Max’s parents are amazed and grateful to see the changes. Due to COVID-19, Max hadn’t seen his grandparents for close to two years. When his grandparents saw him recently, they were astonished to see such a different version of Max.
This case has also shown that the combination of SSP and the Focus System has the potential to bring phenomenal changes for a child with developmental issues, significantly improving the quality of life for the child and his family.
Note: The Focus System is now known as the Integrated Listening System.